Felecia Faulkner, Actor


Felecia Faulkner’s career spans 40 years in theatre and film. She has worn many hats, working as an actor, director, casting director, writer, and film producer.

Three ways in which water has had a significant impact in my life:

Over my lifetime I have dreamed of water consistently. It comes in many forms from fathomless lakes, dark stormy oceans, gentle streams, rushing rivers, warm ponds, swimming holes, waterfalls, still seas, in all variations of blue, green, turquoise, grey, clear, murky, frothy, and translucent. Fittingly I am a Pisces an astrological water sign.



I am drawn to water and have traveled the globe in search of adventures that have anything to do with it. My greatest adventure was in Greece when snorkeling off the island of Chios. I accidentally discovered a massive sunken harbor from 237 B.C. filled with hundreds of amphorae shards. It’s discovery was attributed to me, and I was offered a hefty  finders fee, which I donated back to the people of Greece.

Felecia’s adventure of discovering amphorae shards from 237 B.C. while in Greece, when snorkeling off the island of Chios.

Felecia’s adventure of discovering amphorae shards from 237 B.C. while in Greece, when snorkeling off the island of Chios.

My son was born at home and I spent the majority of my labor in a big old Victorian bathtub. 


Water is magical. Water is life. I love to drink it, look at it, dream of it and swim and bathe in it and sail on it.

Felecia Faulkner

Felecia Faulkner