Jim Skiba, Author
CIS Class Graduation in Aruba. Far left, two sponsors: Professor from University of Aruba, and Maoreen Every from ECO DMC, the students in the middle and then Jim at far right.
Jim has been a teacher, mentor, and consultant for over 40 years to include:
Teaching religion for First Grade, Inner City Philadelphia in 1978,
Teaching English and Theatre at Georgetown Prep from 1981-1983,
And finally conducting Team Building, Meeting and Incentive Classes for Adults from 1985 to the present in over 35 countries.
Keith & Jim in their garden with a 12 foot trellis of peas. Photo by: Kevin O’Connor
Jim has lived in many locations throughout the United States, from remote country to large cities. He has been in a committed relationship with his partner Keith for 18 years and they currently live on a remote hillside in Sonoma County, Northern California.
Jim and Keith enjoy gardening and cooking at home, inviting friends for wine and meals, relaxing with their two cats, Jackie and Sally, as well as stargazing on the deck during clear nights and full moons. They also enjoy traveling globally as time permits.